Join the Friends of Minute Man National Park for a spring bird walk! May brings many migrating birds to Minute Man National Historical Park, including thrushes, vireos, and bird-watchers’ favorite... the warblers in their jewel-colored plumage.
Some species, like Baltimore Orioles and Indigo Buntings, will stay to nest and others will continue their journey to nest in cooler climes. Join us for a one-mile stroll through the park with Kathy Dia to see and hear some of these beautiful visitors as they court and fuel up for their journey north.
Kathy Stark Dia leads bird programs for Mass Audubon, the Brookline Bird Club, and Minute Man National Historical Park. She is a volunteer monitor for Northeast Temperate Network’s breeding bird survey at the park.
Date: Thursday, May 13th, 2021
Time: 8:00-9:30 AM
Location: Location will be sent to registered participants.
Weather Policy: Rain date of May 20, 2021. Registered participants will receive an email on May 12th if we decide to reschedule due to rain.
Parking Instructions: Parking information will be sent to registered participants.
Space is limited to 12
Reservations Required