Come visit the resting places of the people who made Harvard, Massachusetts!
This self-guided tour through time explores the days of the town's incorporation through the late 20th century and the lives of Founding Fathers Simon Stone and Peter Atherton, the slave Othello, black Civil War soldier William Henry Hall, stone cutter Isaac Stone, philanthropist Margaret Blanchard, and adventurer William Savage. Each of these former residents pursued their dream of creating a better world for their children and each contributed to making Harvard a better place today. Whether you are guided by our website,, or follow our guide booklet, this tour is fun for all ages.
Date: Saturday, May 22nd, 2021
Time: 12:00-3:00 pm
Location: Harvard Center Burial Grounds, 1 Still River Rd, Harvard, MA
Weather Policy: Rain date - Sunday, May 23, 2021 12-3:00 PM. Postponement will be posted on The Harvard Historical Society's Facebook page as well as on Harvard Nextdoor at 7 AM, Saturday, May 22, 2021.
Driving Directions: From Rt 2 follow Rt 110-111 South to Harvard Center. Entrance to Burial Grounds is between Harvard General Store & Congregational Church.
From Rt 495 follow Rt 111 North to Harvard Center. Entrance to Burial Grounds is between Harvard General Store and Congregational Church.
Parking Instructions: Parking can be found around center of Harvard as well as at The Bromfield School, 14 Massachusetts Ave.